Lander & May Bespoke Globe
Lander & May based on the Isle of Wight offers bespoke hand-crafted globes that range in size and aesthetic styling, from historical reproductions to modern interpretations. Globemaker Chris Adams specializes in both fine art painterly detailing and custom cartography allowing commissioning clients to highlight locations important to them, whether it be their hometown, cherished sailing routes or all the places they’ve traveled to throughout the world. Please inquire at the link below should you be interested in commissioning a globe for your home.

The Story
Chris Adams is a globemaker residing on the Isle of Wight just off the coast of England near Southampton. An early curiosity of orienteering was fostered by a childhood of exploring the moors solely by himself in his native Devonshire. As Adams grew into an adult in search of a meaningful profession, an opportunity to become a globemaker arose to further cultivate this passion of mapmaking allowing him to utilize his collegiately refined painterly and fine art skills. Today, Adams is the founder of Lander & May, an atelier specializing exclusively in bespoke globes and high-end historical restoration. Through this work, he aims to create relevancy for globes in the modern digital world without abandoning the traditional techniques of the makers who came before him.
The Destination
Cowes on the Isle of Wight is a charming seaport town and international yachting center on the Solent, separating the small island from England. Given its proximity to the major English port of Southampton and frequent ferry service, Cowes is often the gateway to the isle which hosts both a popular music festival and one of the longest running regattas in the world, known as Cowes Week. Queen Victoria built her beloved summer residence, the Osbourne House, in East Cowes which remains a major attraction for island visitors.
Many notable English thinkers and poets have taken up residence on the island over the centuries, including Lord Alfred Tennyson, in search of quiet respite amongst its peaceful, awe-inspiring vistas and natural landscapes.